You can bring your pet in to get its nails trimmed anytime the shop is open no appointment necessary. We can cut and file the nails and will use either a nail trimmer or a dremel tool depending on how your pet reacts to the tools we have available.
Some dogs or cats really hate to have their nails “clipped” because the clipping tool squeezes the nail when it cuts and pinches the nerve inside the nail. These dogs or cats (typically Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and other short legged breeds) usually are more cooperative with a filing procedure done with a dremmel. Some dogs or cats really hate the vibration or sound of the dremmel and are much more comfortable with a clipping tool. This is why we always ask if we have trimmed your dog’s or cat’s nails in the past, and which tool they preferred.

“Filing” your dog’s or cat’s nails with a dremmel tool will leave the smoothest edge and allows us to trim the nail as short as possible with less risk of cutting into the “quick” or vein that runs through the center of the nail.
We usually try to trim the nails as short as possible, without cutting or filing into the “quick” (a vein and nerve) that runs through the center of the nail.
Experience with many different dogs or cats, and trimming many differently looking nails is the only way professionals learn to judge where the quick ends in your dog or cat’s or cat’s nail.